
The Law in Your Corner

3 Tips to Win a Discrimination Suit Against an Employer

Have you been discriminated against by your employer or by a potential employer? Awareness of discrimination issues is at an all-time high, and many companies are taking proactive steps to reduce discrimination in the workplace. Unfortunately, discrimination still happens. You could suffer discrimination because of your race, sexuality, nationality, or even because you are handicapped. Women are frequent victims of discrimination. You could also be discriminated against because of your age. Your first instinct may be to hire a discrimination lawyer and file a lawsuit, but there are other important steps to take that will ultimately bolster your case. 

Talk to your manager or other superior.

An important element in winning a discrimination suit is showing that the company ignored reports of discrimination and did not take action. For this to happen, you must bring the discrimination to your employer's attention. Before filing a suit, you should attempt to handle the issue internally. Allow the employer the chance to make things right. If you skip this step, your lawsuit likely won't be considered by the court. Discuss the issue with human resources, your manager, or your manager's superior. Be sure to document every interaction and conversation. If you report the issue to your employer and they take no action, then it's suitable to move on to the next step.

File a formal complaint.

Another important step in a discrimination case is filing a formal complaint with your human resources department and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Again, the court in an eventual lawsuit will want to see that you took this step first. The EEOC acts as a third party to resolve discrimination issues. They will contact your employer, investigate the issue, and recommend solutions. If the employer fails to cooperate with the EEOC or follow their recommendations, it may be time to file a suit. However, a judge will want to see that you have exhausted all possible options before bringing the issue to court.

Save everything.

Once you initiate a discrimination complaint, every interaction at work becomes evidence. Keep a journal and write notes of every discriminatory event at work. Detail every meeting or conversation you have about the issue with human resources or with management. Save emails, voice mails, and other communications. These documents will form the foundation of your case and become evidence in your lawsuit. The more detailed your notes and documentation are, the more likely your suit will be viewed as serious and credible.

Ready to move forward with your discrimination case? Contact a local discrimination law firm today. A lawyer can help you organize your case, communicate with your employer, and obtain compensation for your troubles. Connect today to start the conversation.

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The Law in Your Corner

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